
Class: com.microstrategy.web.app.taglibs.ExportSetContentTypeTag


This tag allows users to set the correct export information depending on the formatting requested by the user. This information might include file name, extension, encoding, etc. For example:
 <web:exportSetContentType exportBean="eb" reportBean="rb"/>
This is one of the simplest tags that can be defined. The details about the formatting will be retrieved from the information stored on the {@link ExportBean} instance defined on the exportBean attribute.

Name Required? Description
charSet false Indicates the character set definition to use on the new exported document to generate.
Possible values could be UnicodeLittle if exporting to excel, or UTF-8 if another type of exporting is requested. If no attribute value is specified, it will default to the property defined for the corresponding export type defined on the locales configuration information.
contentType false Indicates the content type that the exported document will have.
Possible values include application/vnd.ms-excel when exporting to excel, application/csv when exporting as comma separated values, etc, as defined on the export format configuration information. If none is specified, it will be retrieved from the export bean instance, or the default indicated previously by the user.
documentBean false Indicates the name of the document bean that is specified for the page.
The information about the document will be retrieved from this bean if it's not specified on the other attributes this custom tag has.
exportBean false Indicates the name of the export bean specified for the page.
The information about the export will be retrieved from this bean if it's not specified on the other attributes this custom tag has.
fileExtension false Indicates the file extension the new exported document will have.
Possible values that can be defined include xls for Excel exporting, csv for exporting as comma separated values, etc, as defined on the export format configuration information. If none is specified, the information will be retrieved from the export bean instance if specified; otherwise, it will be taken from the value indicated previously by the user.
fileName false Indicates the name of the file of the new exported document. If no name is specified, it will default to the report or document name if the information can be retrieved.
maxFileSize false Indicates the maximum size of the file name to use on the new exported document.
The file name will be based on the report name; if this is too long, it will be truncated so it works in all hardware configurations. This number will determine the maximum file size in characters
reportBean false Indicates the name of the report bean that is specified for the page.
The information about the report will be retrieved from this bean if it's not specified on the other attributes this custom tag has.